Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I took the first step.....

Today was the first out of 90 days I will purposely push my limits. I decided about 3 months ago to start and complete P90X. The only problem is I expected to just drop the pounds staring at the DVDs. Obviously, that didn't work out as well as planned. I ran out of motivation and the average work day stress was more than discouraging. It was my lovely boyfriends idea to start it up with me to give me support and experience the 90 hell my body was going to endure. Yesterday he decided to follow the the regime to a T, that meant following the diet plan and reading every detail that came in the package. He quickly changed his mind after the grocery bill and the "workout" it was to prepare the food. Yesterday we did the pre-test, before pictures, and measurements. I almost died doing the 2 min jumping jack test which was depressing, and my measurements and pictures is still a sore subject. We decided that today was the day we were going to commit to this workout. This blog is for documentation of my journey and the progression of my goals, and maybe for inspiration for others that are taking the 90 plunge. I apologize in advance for misspelled words and horrible punctuation.

Day 1.....
On today's schedule was pylometrics. This is what Tony Horton calls, " the mother of all workouts in this program." That is a complete understatement! After the warm up I was already out of breath and sweating. I wasn't prepared for the 50 min hell of squats and lunges...HOLY COW!! By the halfway point my legs felt wobbly and my knees were shaky and about to give out at any minute. With Daryl (my boyfriend) by my side doing everything I was doing, really kept me pushing and pushing till I was at my "point of failure." The time seemed to lag and the pain just kept increasing. The 30 sec water breaks in between certain routines seemed only milliseconds long. Finally the jumping, squatting, and lunging was ending and I couldn't of been happier. I finished 1 hr of torture and gave Daryl a high 5 and was about to collapse. For dinner we ate roasted chicken, asparagus and even had some protein shake. YUMMO!! Day 1 down and now I will dread the days we have pylo, but if this is the hardest of all DVDs then I know I can push on. Positive thoughts for the terror I feel for tomorrows shoulders, arms, and ab ripper routine....... and its only started folks! Hopefully I wont be completely useless tomorrow at work being sore and exhausted. Wish me luck. If my bitterness of what I really look like wears off maybe Ill even post my before photos to remind myself why I'm doing this.


  1. I am really excited to read your guys' journey through this and see your progress and set backs I will be on the same journey once hubby leaves and it must be such a positive reinforcemnet that daryl is doing it with you Good luck and we love you guys

  2. to my baby daddy...you are keeping me whats going and i hopped back on the p90x train today...well technically monday...anyways...please follow my blog as well...love you sister friend and you can do it...don't underestimate yourself...if you do, so does everybody else...you are more than you think and i admire your strength...i'm right here with you <3
