Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 2.....

Day 2............

This morning I woke up and felt pretty good and refreshed. I knew it was too good to be true! After about 1 hr at work, I started grunting and groaning whenever I needed to get out of my chair. By mid shift I got stuck on the toilet with no handicap bar to save me. I walked like I had a stick up my butt all day, my co workers thought this was amusing. For breakfast I had a protein shake, lunch was charbroiled chicken salad, and a green apple for snack.
When I returned home from work, Daryl was already waiting in the living room for me. He gave me about 15 min to prepare myself for shoulders, arms, and abs. I did the best I could to follow along with the other people on the video. Soon as shoulders and arms were finished we started ab ripper. This high intensity ab workout literally rips your abs and spits them out. There were moments I had to take a few moments to catch my breath... aye aye aye! Finally the workout was finished with a "thank God" and a high five to Daryl. Drank my yummy recovery beverage and walked around a little to cool down.
Dinner consisted of scrambled eggs with mushrooms, soy sausage and whole grain muffin.... its was edible but def not my favorite. To finish it off I get to pound a delicious protein shake...really not so bad. My thighs and butt are screaming for help, walking and sitting is highly difficult if not just plain out painful, and now my shoulders have a lovely dull constant ache. Cant wait for tomorrow when I get to wake up feeling like I was run over by a truck. I have to admit its a good pain, I enjoy knowing that the work I'm doing is a success. Tomorrow calls for yoga, I'm pretty excited surprisingly. I feel really good about this and now that I have support from my family, it makes me want to push harder and forget about daily temptations. I'm trying to talk myself into getting in a much needed shower, but the unnoticeable pain I'm having in my thighs is slowing me down. OK kiddies....... Day 2 down 88 to go!!! BRING IT!!!!!!
P.S According to my pretest weight I'm already down 3 lbs from Monday!!! GO ME!!!!! Yesss!

1 comment:

  1. good job cass! i'm finding this very hard to do without someone pushing me along. i'm very close to saying to hell with it...i should just go up there with you guys and do it because i have absolutely NO support here at all and me attempting to do this on my's to easy to just walk away!
