Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 5.........

Today started off pretty great. Daryl got up early and went to Traders to buy breakfast stuff while I was still asleep and decided to make me breakfast in bed. He cooked me a mushroom and cheese "omelet"....... it really was scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. I thought it was the sweetest thing.... it was the first time for this, he claims he doesn't know how to cook. Anyway, after breakfast we did the kenpo video which was a lot of fun. I sweat a ton and I felt really good afterward. After we had taken our showers and got ready we decided to drive around a little. Nothing special, we went to the bike store to look around and Costco to slobber on things we cant afford. Being on this special regimen made it easy to walk in and out of Costco without spending a thing. After a little browsing we went to lunch at BJs, I had a salad and it was scrumdiddlyumptious . We then went to the mall and while we were walking around is when I started feeling the results from kenpo...... oh man! My calves and hammies are sore and tight, it felt sooooo nice! Ive noticed I'm walking taller and I feel better about myself for taking better care of just me. After our shopping was done we went to Sprouts to buy something for dinner, we decided on cowboy burgers from the meat dept.. I have to highly recommend these burgers they have bits of jalapeno and cheddar mixed inside them with the leanest meat..... yummmmy. Unfortunately I cant eat the burger with a bun so i forked it and made coleslaw as a with it. Before I forget I must mention I drank a 5 hr energy before the mall since I can no longer drink red bull. While dinner was being grilled I got a wild hair up my backside and decided to rake the whole backyard then I went in the garage and cleaned the laundry side. Those energy shots really work! Anywho, Daryl and I sat and ate dinner while watching my favorite movie "The Sweetest Thing." Now I'm here writing and its time for bed, got to work manana.... BOOOOOOOO!!!! Today was an overall GREAT day, way better than yesterday for sure. Hope you all enjoy your weekend and remember to always make time to smell the roses! Goodnight folks....... Day 5 dunskies.. woot woot Day 6 is stretching or rest, you wont catch me resting, Ive got goals!!!

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