Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 3.......

To begin this blog, I would like to inform you that my legs are still soooo sore!! I'm still walking like I have something lodged in my rectal cavity. Today was a pretty good day, my breakfast consisted of a protein shake which I may add is not as horrible as one would think. Late morning I was craving a nice cold coke, and it would be so easy for me to walk over to 7-11 to purchase one. I had a pep talk with myself knowing I would be so disappointed in myself if I caved in. I got my mind off of it by eating some carrots. During my lunch I needed to go buy a water at 7-11, walking through that door was a mission alone. As all the high fructose corn syrup beverages were staring at me in the face knowing I had itch for one, I controlled myself and selected a water and got out. I didn't have a prepacked lunch today, so my lunch consisted of a green apple, water, and half of a protein bar. The day moved along fairly quickly since it is my Friday, I was excited to come home and do the yoga video with Daryl. I'm now noticing how much better I feel about myself when I finish the workout. I feel like I accomplished something, although the food change is a lifestyle change in itself. I admit doing yoga with thighs that were as sore as mine was a little frightening since I couldn't walk let alone bend over. I took a few minutes to sit and relax before I was ready to workout. This yoga video was pretty intense, a lot of repetitious movement that killed my wrists. I think I did a pretty decent job for being a beginner. All the stretching def loosened up all my muscles and I think I can say the same for Daryl. If you all know Daryl, then you know if he loosens all his muscles the most distinct one would leave a fragrant aroma in a wide circumference of his location. Anyway, all the stretching felt so incredible and I was so much more relaxed once finishing. For dinner I had a charbroiled chicken salad and some iced tea, it was pretty delicious. I've noticed my appetite isn't as big as it used to be, maybe because I'm more conscious about my decisions. All in all I feel pretty incredible and motivated to see the end results. Miss Brandy Brown do this for yourself nobody else, you will be so ecstatic that you made this change and you carried on from your own eagerness. A shower and a protein shake is all that awaits me tonight. Day 3 conquered, tomorrow is legs, back and abs. AYE AYE AYE as if my legs aren't dead weight already! Until tomorrow..... another day another notch on the calendar 87 more to go. And I'm out... hahaha
P.S Pretest weight was 180 today I'm 175... not bad for the 3rd day..... more motivation to stick with it....... Party on to all those with a goal.

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