Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 14........

I must admit that Ive slacked on my blogging. I didn't actually think people followed it as much as they do, so I'm going to try to improve. The workouts have been the same so there hasn't been anything new except that I notice a difference with my strength and energy. This is the last week with this regimen and then it switches up.....kind of excited. The diet has been giving me trouble for a couple days with the PMS chocolate cravings. I would kill for a Hershey's bar or a ice cream sandwich anything with sugar and chocolate. Ive been really disciplined and focused on not eating the bad stuff. Fathers day I cheated a little bit, my mom made cheesy rice and I had half a serving. I was pretty proud of myself that I didn't cave into temptation with the fruity drinks and endless amounts of carbs all around me.
Tonight I made a pot roast in the crock pot with veggies, tomorrow I'm pretty clueless as of now what to make. Tomorrow is makes me feel like Ive worked my butt off, very satisfying.
Till next time........ approx 9 weeks left wooohooo and I'm currently 10 lbs lighter!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 8...................

Today was plyo day again.... it took everything out of me. Squats and lunges are not my favorite, but I kept in mind that if I pushed myself that I would get the results I want. I'm following the no sugar, low carbs and lot of protein. So far I'm down 8 lbs and I feel more energized and I'm sleeping better than ever. Since I'm just doing the same regimen for the next 2 weeks, my blogs are going to be shorter than before. For breakfast I had a protein shake and banana, lunch was a salad, and dinner was cordon bleu and broccoli. I'm pooped and ready to relax.
Till tomorrow..........

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 7.....................

I want to apologize for not writing anything yesterday, but it was a low key kinda day. It was rest or stretch day, which I decided to stretch. Daryl suggested we go to the spa after dinner, so I stretched there. Today was back,chest and abs. Its difficult to type this blog because my arms are fatigued so I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I did way more push ups today than Ive done in the past so I'm pretty happy about that. For breakfast I had a protein shake, lunch was turkey and cheese sandwich with string cheese, dinner was steak and broccoli. I'm completely wiped out and ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm back were it all started, plyometrics........dreading it.
Goodnight....till tomorrow

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 5.........

Today started off pretty great. Daryl got up early and went to Traders to buy breakfast stuff while I was still asleep and decided to make me breakfast in bed. He cooked me a mushroom and cheese "omelet"....... it really was scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. I thought it was the sweetest thing.... it was the first time for this, he claims he doesn't know how to cook. Anyway, after breakfast we did the kenpo video which was a lot of fun. I sweat a ton and I felt really good afterward. After we had taken our showers and got ready we decided to drive around a little. Nothing special, we went to the bike store to look around and Costco to slobber on things we cant afford. Being on this special regimen made it easy to walk in and out of Costco without spending a thing. After a little browsing we went to lunch at BJs, I had a salad and it was scrumdiddlyumptious . We then went to the mall and while we were walking around is when I started feeling the results from kenpo...... oh man! My calves and hammies are sore and tight, it felt sooooo nice! Ive noticed I'm walking taller and I feel better about myself for taking better care of just me. After our shopping was done we went to Sprouts to buy something for dinner, we decided on cowboy burgers from the meat dept.. I have to highly recommend these burgers they have bits of jalapeno and cheddar mixed inside them with the leanest meat..... yummmmy. Unfortunately I cant eat the burger with a bun so i forked it and made coleslaw as a with it. Before I forget I must mention I drank a 5 hr energy before the mall since I can no longer drink red bull. While dinner was being grilled I got a wild hair up my backside and decided to rake the whole backyard then I went in the garage and cleaned the laundry side. Those energy shots really work! Anywho, Daryl and I sat and ate dinner while watching my favorite movie "The Sweetest Thing." Now I'm here writing and its time for bed, got to work manana.... BOOOOOOOO!!!! Today was an overall GREAT day, way better than yesterday for sure. Hope you all enjoy your weekend and remember to always make time to smell the roses! Goodnight folks....... Day 5 dunskies.. woot woot Day 6 is stretching or rest, you wont catch me resting, Ive got goals!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 4.......

Today is my Saturday so with everyone at work and me being home alone was a little difficult. I stayed in bed for the most part, it felt so good just to be lazy. I woke up later than usual so I didn't have time to eat breakfast, but by then it was already lunch. I walked out to the kitchen and smelled a heavenly aroma of pizza. My little brother was heating up his leftover pizza and I even went over to the box to take a whiff. Proceeding to the garage to get my food I gave him the evil eye, and he smirked at me...... so frustrating! I get to the fridge to get the contents of which my lunch would consist of and there it is, right smack in front of me is a nice cold can of coke just taunting me. I quickly grabbed beef slices and an avocado. Yummm right?!? It was edible but I will def find another way to prepare it. After lunch I continued to be lazy, took a shower and waited for Daryl to come home. When he came home, he decided we should probably go get some free weights for today's workout. I had in mind that I would purchase some 10lb weights..... that was a joke, no way was I going to be able to do multiple reps with 10lbs. We found some 8lb weights that were suitable for me and Daryl grabbed some 20lb weights for himself. As we were driving away Daryl kept asking me if a spicy chicken sandwich from Carl's was illegal, I so badly would have loved a "bite" but proceeded to tell him yes its illegal. I was not looking forward to this video because my legs were all ready done from day 1. I have to admit this workout was way harder than I had anticipated. I was instantly nauseous after the second round of lunges and squats. BARFO-RAMA!!! I pushed on even though a lot of the contents on this video were hard for me to preform because of my horrible knees. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't do more than what I did. I battled to finish this workout, struggling to not vomit and take my time to do my best. Right after the torture of legs and back exercises I had to do 15 min of ab ripper. HOLY MOLY!!! I finished and gave Jr a high five and collapsed on my bed while he got in the shower. I was most definitely glad this workout is over. For dinner we went to Mariscos, a place we frequent every Friday with my parents. We go so often that the staff know exactly what we order and usually have it ready before we even take our seats. Today was different, I didn't get my usual tall mug of beer and I didn't order my normal quesadilla. Instead I ordered chicken fajitas with a side salad, no beans, no rice, no tortillas. It was filling and delicious, but to watch Daryl eat his taco and enchilada was upsetting. I just kept in mind that Ive already lost 5 lbs and I cant wait to see the end results and I'm on the right track. Day 4 was a struggle but I know there is more in store for me down the road, I'm going to take it one day at a time. This is proof that I am a real person having real difficulties and this is NOT EASY!!! Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better and I'm looking forward to kenpo. Today is not going to hold me down or break me... I CAN DO THIS!!
Goodnight peeps....... 86 days to go

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 3.......

To begin this blog, I would like to inform you that my legs are still soooo sore!! I'm still walking like I have something lodged in my rectal cavity. Today was a pretty good day, my breakfast consisted of a protein shake which I may add is not as horrible as one would think. Late morning I was craving a nice cold coke, and it would be so easy for me to walk over to 7-11 to purchase one. I had a pep talk with myself knowing I would be so disappointed in myself if I caved in. I got my mind off of it by eating some carrots. During my lunch I needed to go buy a water at 7-11, walking through that door was a mission alone. As all the high fructose corn syrup beverages were staring at me in the face knowing I had itch for one, I controlled myself and selected a water and got out. I didn't have a prepacked lunch today, so my lunch consisted of a green apple, water, and half of a protein bar. The day moved along fairly quickly since it is my Friday, I was excited to come home and do the yoga video with Daryl. I'm now noticing how much better I feel about myself when I finish the workout. I feel like I accomplished something, although the food change is a lifestyle change in itself. I admit doing yoga with thighs that were as sore as mine was a little frightening since I couldn't walk let alone bend over. I took a few minutes to sit and relax before I was ready to workout. This yoga video was pretty intense, a lot of repetitious movement that killed my wrists. I think I did a pretty decent job for being a beginner. All the stretching def loosened up all my muscles and I think I can say the same for Daryl. If you all know Daryl, then you know if he loosens all his muscles the most distinct one would leave a fragrant aroma in a wide circumference of his location. Anyway, all the stretching felt so incredible and I was so much more relaxed once finishing. For dinner I had a charbroiled chicken salad and some iced tea, it was pretty delicious. I've noticed my appetite isn't as big as it used to be, maybe because I'm more conscious about my decisions. All in all I feel pretty incredible and motivated to see the end results. Miss Brandy Brown do this for yourself nobody else, you will be so ecstatic that you made this change and you carried on from your own eagerness. A shower and a protein shake is all that awaits me tonight. Day 3 conquered, tomorrow is legs, back and abs. AYE AYE AYE as if my legs aren't dead weight already! Until tomorrow..... another day another notch on the calendar 87 more to go. And I'm out... hahaha
P.S Pretest weight was 180 today I'm 175... not bad for the 3rd day..... more motivation to stick with it....... Party on to all those with a goal.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 2.....

Day 2............

This morning I woke up and felt pretty good and refreshed. I knew it was too good to be true! After about 1 hr at work, I started grunting and groaning whenever I needed to get out of my chair. By mid shift I got stuck on the toilet with no handicap bar to save me. I walked like I had a stick up my butt all day, my co workers thought this was amusing. For breakfast I had a protein shake, lunch was charbroiled chicken salad, and a green apple for snack.
When I returned home from work, Daryl was already waiting in the living room for me. He gave me about 15 min to prepare myself for shoulders, arms, and abs. I did the best I could to follow along with the other people on the video. Soon as shoulders and arms were finished we started ab ripper. This high intensity ab workout literally rips your abs and spits them out. There were moments I had to take a few moments to catch my breath... aye aye aye! Finally the workout was finished with a "thank God" and a high five to Daryl. Drank my yummy recovery beverage and walked around a little to cool down.
Dinner consisted of scrambled eggs with mushrooms, soy sausage and whole grain muffin.... its was edible but def not my favorite. To finish it off I get to pound a delicious protein shake...really not so bad. My thighs and butt are screaming for help, walking and sitting is highly difficult if not just plain out painful, and now my shoulders have a lovely dull constant ache. Cant wait for tomorrow when I get to wake up feeling like I was run over by a truck. I have to admit its a good pain, I enjoy knowing that the work I'm doing is a success. Tomorrow calls for yoga, I'm pretty excited surprisingly. I feel really good about this and now that I have support from my family, it makes me want to push harder and forget about daily temptations. I'm trying to talk myself into getting in a much needed shower, but the unnoticeable pain I'm having in my thighs is slowing me down. OK kiddies....... Day 2 down 88 to go!!! BRING IT!!!!!!
P.S According to my pretest weight I'm already down 3 lbs from Monday!!! GO ME!!!!! Yesss!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I took the first step.....

Today was the first out of 90 days I will purposely push my limits. I decided about 3 months ago to start and complete P90X. The only problem is I expected to just drop the pounds staring at the DVDs. Obviously, that didn't work out as well as planned. I ran out of motivation and the average work day stress was more than discouraging. It was my lovely boyfriends idea to start it up with me to give me support and experience the 90 hell my body was going to endure. Yesterday he decided to follow the the regime to a T, that meant following the diet plan and reading every detail that came in the package. He quickly changed his mind after the grocery bill and the "workout" it was to prepare the food. Yesterday we did the pre-test, before pictures, and measurements. I almost died doing the 2 min jumping jack test which was depressing, and my measurements and pictures is still a sore subject. We decided that today was the day we were going to commit to this workout. This blog is for documentation of my journey and the progression of my goals, and maybe for inspiration for others that are taking the 90 plunge. I apologize in advance for misspelled words and horrible punctuation.

Day 1.....
On today's schedule was pylometrics. This is what Tony Horton calls, " the mother of all workouts in this program." That is a complete understatement! After the warm up I was already out of breath and sweating. I wasn't prepared for the 50 min hell of squats and lunges...HOLY COW!! By the halfway point my legs felt wobbly and my knees were shaky and about to give out at any minute. With Daryl (my boyfriend) by my side doing everything I was doing, really kept me pushing and pushing till I was at my "point of failure." The time seemed to lag and the pain just kept increasing. The 30 sec water breaks in between certain routines seemed only milliseconds long. Finally the jumping, squatting, and lunging was ending and I couldn't of been happier. I finished 1 hr of torture and gave Daryl a high 5 and was about to collapse. For dinner we ate roasted chicken, asparagus and even had some protein shake. YUMMO!! Day 1 down and now I will dread the days we have pylo, but if this is the hardest of all DVDs then I know I can push on. Positive thoughts for the terror I feel for tomorrows shoulders, arms, and ab ripper routine....... and its only started folks! Hopefully I wont be completely useless tomorrow at work being sore and exhausted. Wish me luck. If my bitterness of what I really look like wears off maybe Ill even post my before photos to remind myself why I'm doing this.